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SCAFO Health and Well-Being

Healthy Youth Program Registration

Join this group for young people to help end violence and racism. It starts with self.

  • Meet new friends
  • Develop your creativity
  • Design a cool project to express yourself about health, violence and racism
  • Do your part to promote health, stop violence and end racism- young people can make a difference

How to register – click the registration link.

Monthly gatherings in person and on Zoom

Spring retreat- Dates TBD

Summer beach camp in August (dates TBD)

Extra Benefits
Incentives gifts provided for regular participation
Final incentive gift provided for regular attendance- valued at $200

Who Can Participate

  • Any young person age- 10-19
  • Need Wi Fi access for online group meetings
  • Need Computer or phone with Zoom connection capability for online group meeting

Questions: Contact Chuck Smith 503-502-2965 /

Click on the Registration Link to get started:  Youth Program Registration Form

And check out our Healthy Youth Program highlights reel from 2023 and 2024: